~ The Awakening ~ 2011

Silence filled the chamber halls as Gragion made his way up the winding staircase that led to the King’s chambers. Absentmindedly, he straightened his robes, running his fingers over the fabric before knocking on the door. The sound echoed through the quiet corridor. He waited... knocked again... nothing. Finally, Gragion pushed open the door to find King Falem lying on the bed, right where they had left him, sedated with sleeping pills.

“My lord...” Gragion’s voice trembled as he grabbed the king’s face and gave it a hard shake. Falem stirred, his eyes heavy-lidded, his words thick and sluggish.

“What... what in the hell...” The king mumbled, struggling to sit up, his feet searching for the floor. “Gragion, what is this about?”

“My lord, please, you must get up. Right now,” Gragion insisted, quietly cursing the heavy dose of sedatives they’d given him. The king sat, staring, trying to shake off the fog of confusion that clung to his mind.

Gragion’s eyes darted around the room until they landed on a basin of water. Without a second thought, he picked it up and dumped the contents over the king’s head. The reaction was immediate, like watching a dragon abruptly awakened from its slumber. King Falem shot up, knocking the basin from Gragion’s hands, the loud clatter echoing in the room. The king staggered, rubbing the water from his face. Red tinged the water pooling on the floor, the re-awakened blood a grim reminder of the past hours.

“My lord...” Gragion began, but the king cut him off, standing tall, water dripping from his hair and robes.

“Lamora...where is she?” The king’s voice cracked as he uttered her name, the pain of speaking it evident. He rubbed his face, leaning back against the dresser to steady himself as memories of the recent past flooded back. He looked at Gragion, a mix of fear, anger, and confusion swirling in his eyes.

“Where is she now?” The king’s voice was barely a whisper.

Gragion stepped forward, his hands outstretched in a gesture of care. “My lord, she has been taken to the mortuary. The physician is preparing her body for viewing. But there is something else...” He hesitated, his voice lowering. “Something you need to know. A mark was found on her body. A branding.”

The king’s expression darkened. “A branding? As if what they did wasn’t enough? They had to mark her like cattle?”

Gragion’s words came out in a rush. “She bears the mark of the Ankou.” He stopped there, letting the weight of his words settle in the air. The king froze, the silence stretching between them, heavy and suffocating.

“That’s impossible,” King Falem whispered, shaking his head. “A myth... you know this as well as I do.”

Gragion nodded slowly. “I know what I’ve seen, my lord. This matter will be sorted out. I’ve prepared letters for the council. A messenger will deliver them as soon as I leave you.” Gragion’s eyes met the king’s, his voice steady and serious. “Myth or not, our beloved Queen has been brutally murdered. We cannot take this lightly.”

“No, nor should I expect you to. Nor anyone,” the king replied, his voice gaining strength. He started towards the door, his expression resolute. “Show me. I need to see her.”

Gragion nodded, following the king out of the chamber, his own resolve hardening with each step.


~ Guilt ~ 2011


Odelin 2011