1989-2020: The Digital Renaissance


1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall marks the start of global power shifts.


1990s-2000s: A global cultural shift as the internet becomes widely accessible, leading to an interconnected world. The proliferation of digital technology starts to reshape economies, social interactions, and the spread of information.


Early 2010s: The emergence of social media as a dominant force in societal discourse, revolutionizing communication and playing a crucial role in various social movements.


2020-2030: The Decade of Disruption


2021: The onset of climate-induced migration patterns begins, as populations start to move away from the most vulnerable regions.


2023: The establishment of international accords aiming to regulate the impact of technology on climate and society, which are met with mixed success and varying degrees of adoption.


2024: A series of high-profile cyber-attacks exposes the vulnerability of national infrastructures, leading to a push for enhanced cyber defenses and the rise of cybersecurity as a key field of expertise and employment.


The Tech Boom Crisis and Climate Exodus


2025-2026: The Tech Boom Crisis intensifies as breakthroughs in AI and robotics lead to significant job displacements, igniting debates on universal basic income and the role of government in technological advancement.


2027: The creation of 'Climate Havens', cities or regions designed to be resilient against climate change, which become prime destinations for climate migrants.


2028: A critical failure in a widely used climate control technology leads to a catastrophic event, underlining the dangers of overreliance on untested technologies.


2029: The establishment of the 'Digital Bill of Rights', attempting to balance the rapid technological advancements with individual privacy and freedoms.


2030: Lola's family is affected by the Climate Exodus, possibly losing their home or being forced to relocate, cementing their distrust in the established systems and fueling their desire for change.



2035-2040: Prelude to War


2035: Rising Tensions and Diplomatic Failures:

  • As resources become increasingly scarce, diplomatic efforts to address the distribution and management of vital resources like water, arable land, and energy fail. International treaties are strained or broken, leading to mounting tensions.

  • Detail instances where Lola's community is directly affected by these resource shortages, perhaps through water rationing or energy blackouts, which intensify her community's spirit of resilience and self-sufficiency.

2036: Espionage and Information Warfare:

  • Cyber espionage becomes rampant as nations and corporations seek to undermine each other's stability and steal secrets. This could be where Johnny, or a character akin to him, first becomes involved in cybersecurity, learning the ropes of digital warfare.

  • A significant leak exposes several countries’ involvement in covert operations, leading to public outcry and mistrust in government transparency and integrity.

2037: Technological Arms Race:

  • With tensions high, nations begin an arms race, not just with conventional weapons but with cyber and drone technologies. Describe how these advancements begin to shape the battlefield, with unmanned drones becoming more common.

  • Lola or her community could witness the destructive power of a drone strike, catalyzing her anti-war sentiment and perhaps leading to her first act of digital rebellion.

2038: Economic Collapse and Social Unrest:

  • The scarcity of resources leads to economic turmoil, with several nations experiencing severe inflation or economic collapse. This could be a backdrop for the characters' formative experiences, with Lola and her family facing financial hardship.

  • Out of these conditions, underground movements and black markets flourish. Lola and her family might start to engage with these networks, offering her early insights into the workings of underground resistance.

2039: Proxy Wars and Covert Operations:

  • Smaller nations, influenced by larger powers, engage in proxy wars, exacerbating regional conflicts. Lola's community could be indirectly involved, providing aid or taking in refugees, further exposing her to the consequences of war.

  • Introduce a subplot where Lola or a close character gets involved in a covert operation that goes awry, leading to personal tragedy or a close call that reinforces her commitment to peace and resistance.

2040: The Cyber Siege:

  • A series of coordinated cyber-attacks cripple critical infrastructure across the globe. This could be the world’s first glimpse at the destructive potential of cyber warfare, serving as a precursor to the major cyber-attacks you mention.

  • Lola, experiencing the chaos and fear these attacks sow in her community, could have her first encounter with Johnny or another key character, possibly through a community defense or relief effort, laying the foundation for their future partnership.


2045-2075: World War III


2045-2055: The War of Networks

2046: Cyber alliances form as nations ally with tech corporations, leading to the War of Networks.

2047: Leaked documents reveal a major nation's betrayal, shifting the tide of war.

2048: Proliferation of digital mercenaries who conduct cyber espionage and sabotage.

2049: Surge in digital refugee communities as individuals flee cyber-war-torn regions.


2050s: The Quantum Struggle

2051: Quantum encryption leads to a temporary stalemate, as messages can no longer be intercepted.

2052: The first quantum-powered cyber weapon is unleashed, causing blackouts across a major city.

2053: Reports surface of AI-controlled drone swarms devastating a rebel stronghold.

2054: An international treaty bans the deployment of autonomous killing machines, but enforcement is problematic.


2055-2070: The Aftermath of War

2056: Economic collapse leads to the creation of the Global Credit System, heavily influenced by Novus Dei's financial wing.

2057: Evidence of war crimes surfaces, including autonomous drone strikes against civilian populations.

2058: Formation of the Cultural Heritage Shield, a global initiative to protect historical sites and artifacts, which Lola's community actively supports.

2059: Renegade warlords capitalize on power vacuums, controlling resources and territories.


2060s: Reconstruction and Reconciliation

2061: The New Geneva Accords are signed, aiming for global disarmament and the rebuilding of war-torn nations.

2062: Novus Dei aids in the establishment of the New World Tribunal to prosecute war crimes, but some key figures evade trial.

2063: Massive refugee camps evolve into permanent micro-nations, promoting diverse cultural exchanges.

2064: Novus Dei launches the Green Phoenix Project, claiming to restore war-damaged ecosystems with their proprietary technology.


2070s: Rising from the Ashes

2071: The International Memory Project begins, archiving the untold stories of the war, with Lola's family contributing their experiences.

2072: A breakthrough in clean energy is achieved, which Novus Dei incorporates into the AperiLens system.

2073: The War Orphans Fund is established, which Johnny's family benefits from, giving him a chance at education.

2074: Novus Dei's influence peaks as they unveil the Phoenix Plan, offering technological solutions for global recovery, which later comes under scrutiny for creating dependency.


2070-2071: A New Generation Emerges


2070: Echoes of Change

2070: Johnny is born into a world of contrasts.

Early 2070: As the war's end is declared, the global population anticipates a new era of peace. "War children" like Johnny are born into communities filled with hope and the resolve to rebuild.

Mid 2070: The War Children Education Act is passed, promising a future of opportunity for those born in the shadow of conflict, with Johnny later becoming a beneficiary.




2071: Births of Influence

April 2071: Lola's birth in a multicultural, tech-resilient community gains media attention as a symbol of new beginnings, inspiring documentaries on post-war life.

Late 2071: Commemorative gardens are planted worldwide in honor of the new generation, signifying rebirth; Lola's community dedicates one such garden to her as a living memorial.


2072-2075: Foundations of Tomorrow

2072: Cultural Renaissance

The global baby boom leads to a celebration of life, with festivals and cultural events that emphasize unity. Lola's birth festival becomes an annual event promoting community resilience.

2073: The Phoenix Children

Children born in this era, including Johnny and Lola, are dubbed "Phoenix Children" for rising from the ashes of the old world. Their stories are recorded in a global archive.

2074: Seeds of Activism

Parents of the Phoenix Children form alliances to ensure their children's future, advocating for a cleaner, safer world. Lola's parents are at the forefront of these movements.

2075: Visionaries of Peace

A global summit on future leadership highlights children like Johnny and Lola as beacons of hope. Visionary education programs are initiated to nurture their potential.



2075-2095: Shifting Paradigms and Rising Powers

2075: The Dawn of Reconstruction

  • Following the Peace of Ashes, the Phoenix Accords establish global disarmament procedures and resource-sharing protocols.

  • The Accords also lead to the formation of the Global Reconstruction Initiative, a multi-nation effort to rebuild war-torn societies, in which Novus Dei plays a central, influential role.

2076: Novus Dei's Ascent

  • Novus Dei's philanthropic projects, such as rebuilding infrastructure and providing aid, are televised globally, significantly boosting their image.

  • The first AperiLens prototypes are introduced in international medical and educational aid packages, touted as tools for recovery and connection.

2077-2078: Integration and Opposition

  • As AperiLens technology integrates into daily life, pockets of society begin to question the rapid adoption of such pervasive technology.

  • Underground forums and publications start circulating, highlighting concerns over privacy and autonomy—materials that would later influence Johnny and Lola.

2079: A New Curriculum

  • Novus Dei spearheads an innovative global education curriculum, integrating AperiLens tech, which becomes the standard in most countries.

  • Skepticism grows among certain educators and parents, including Johnny and Lola's, who begin to form a quiet coalition advocating for tech-free learning spaces.


2080-2082: The Seeds of Surveillance

  • Reports of AperiLens misuse for surveillance purposes surface, leading to the first major public protests against Novus Dei.

  • Novus Dei counters the negative press by launching the AperiLens Openness Initiative, claiming full transparency in their operations.


2083-2085: The Tides of Trust

  • An anonymous whistleblower releases sensitive information about Novus Dei's data practices, causing a major public relations crisis.

  • In response, Novus Dei creates the Trust and Transparency Commission, attempting to quell the rising public unrest and maintain their savior facade.


2086-2090: A New Opposition

  • Covert resistance movements begin to organize more formally, with key figures like Johnny and Lola emerging from the shadows to lead.

  • Public debates and forums about the role of AperiLens in society become more frequent, leading to a broader discussion about the role of technology in personal freedom and governance.


2091-2095: The Edge of Revolution

  • Novus Dei introduces newer, more advanced AperiLens models, claiming to have incorporated feedback from their critics.

  • A new wave of resistance is born, combining traditional activism with cyber tactics, aimed at exposing and dismantling Novus Dei's influence.


2080-2082: Unveiling Shadows

2080: The Whistleblower's Emergence

  • Amidst the growing popularity of AperiLens, Dr. Lena Zhou, a former lead engineer at Novus Dei, leaks documents to underground resistance networks, including detailed technical reports and internal communications that reveal the technology's invasive capabilities.

2081: The Zhou Revelation

  • Dr. Zhou, now in hiding, releases a series of encrypted messages that are decoded by various cells of the resistance, providing the blueprint for the manipulation of AperiLens and the extent of data collection.

  • These revelations are disseminated in a coordinated global leak, appearing on various platforms almost simultaneously, suggesting a well-organized resistance network.

Early 2082: AperiLens Under Scrutiny

  • A special council is convened by international tech oversight bodies to investigate the claims made by Dr. Zhou. However, proceedings are stalled due to political pressures and alleged Novus Dei's interference.

  • Independent tech groups and hacktivists, including young Johnny and Lola, begin their own investigations, using Dr. Zhou’s revelations as a guide.

Mid 2082: The Zhou Dialogues

  • Dr. Zhou, through secure channels, engages in dialogues with various think tanks, resistance groups, and independent media outlets, elaborating on her findings and urging the public to demand transparency and regulation of AperiLens technology.

Late 2082: Counter-Measures

  • In response to the growing mistrust, Novus Dei launches a massive PR campaign touting new "privacy-focused" updates to AperiLens and hosts public forums to regain trust.

  • Resistance cells, including one with Johnny and Lola, exploit the public's diverted attention to deepen their infiltration into Novus Dei’s networks, aiming to gather evidence and develop counter-technology.


2083-2085: The Unraveling of Novus Dei


2083: The Leak That Echoed

  • The scandal originates from an insider within Novus Dei, disillusioned by the organization's direction. The leaked documents, detailing extensive surveillance and manipulation tactics through the AperiLens, ignite public outrage.

  • Grassroots movements begin to form worldwide, with secret forums and encrypted communication channels buzzing with plans for protests and acts of civil disobedience.

2084: The Ripple Effect

  • The leak leads to widespread skepticism of technology companies and their collaborations with Novus Dei. A global "Tech Transparency" movement gains momentum, advocating for open-source technology and strict privacy regulations.

  • Johnny, witnessing the impact of technology on his family and community, begins to educate himself on cybersecurity and digital privacy, laying the groundwork for his future activism.

2085: The First Crackdown

  • Novus Dei, in an attempt to regain control, initiates a series of crackdowns on dissenters, labeling them as "technophobes" and "anti-progressives." This only fuels the fire of rebellion, as more join the cause against Novus Dei's authoritarian grip.


2086-2089: Lola's Formative Years

2086: A New Alliance

  • Lola's early involvement in the resistance is sparked by a personal incident: a friend's family is forcibly evicted due to their opposition to Novus Dei. This event cements her resolve to fight against the organization.

  • She becomes a key figure in a newly formed covert resistance cell, leveraging her hacking skills for information warfare against Novus Dei.


2087: The Breakthrough Hack


  • Lola's hack into a Novus Dei subsidiary not only exposes their surveillance network but also reveals plans to expand AperiLens capabilities for more invasive control. Her actions inspire a wave of similar cyber-attacks by other resistance cells.

  • In response, Novus Dei begins a secretive program to develop countermeasures against such hacks, increasing their surveillance and control measures under the guise of "security enhancements."


2088: Diverse Tactics

  • The resistance begins to diversify its tactics, combining Lola's cyber expertise with ground movements, including protests, sabotage, and the dissemination of anti-Novus Dei propaganda.

  • Lola organizes digital security workshops, spreading awareness on how to protect against AperiLens surveillance and encouraging self-reliance away from Novus Dei's technologies.


2089: A Harsh Lesson

  • The failed operation to protect a local activist from surveillance marks a turning point for Lola. She realizes the need for a more cautious approach, understanding that brute force hacking is not always the answer.

  • This setback strengthens her resolve to fight smarter, not harder, leading to the development of more sophisticated, covert strategies that would define her role in the resistance.



2090-2094: Rising Tensions


2091: Johnny leads a successful operation exposing the AperiLens's vulnerabilities, casting a public spotlight on Novus Dei's potential for control and manipulation.

2092: The martyrdom of a significant resistance figure, witnessed by Johnny and Lola, cements their commitment to the cause.


Johnny and Lola’s Personal Timeline (Circa 2095)

2095: At 25, Johnny and 24-year-old Lola strengthen their bond through intensified resistance efforts while navigating personal and collective challenges.

2096: They encounter and overcome personal struggles, including a major operation led by Lola.

2097: A crisis occurs when Johnny's AperiLens is compromised and removed, reshaping his and Lola's relationship and their role in the resistance.

2098: Lola's strategic rise within Novus Dei leads her to contemplate extreme measures to undermine the organization from within.


2095: Present Day

The unveiling of a new AperiLens model and the preparatory phase of the Green Revolution align with key developments in Johnny's and Lola's personal fight against the corrupt practices of Novus Dei.