World Building Checklist

World-Building Checklist

1. Define the Basics

  • World Name:

    • What is the significance of the world’s name? Does it have historical or linguistic roots?

  • Type of World:

    • Describe the overall theme (e.g., fantasy, sci-fi, dystopian, utopian).

    • How does the type of world affect its inhabitants and their daily lives?

  • Geography:

    • Map out key geographical features such as continents, islands, and major landmarks.

    • How do geography and climate influence the way people live and interact with the environment?

  • Climate:

    • How does the climate vary in different regions?

    • Are there any extreme weather events, and how do inhabitants prepare for them?

2. Create the Culture

  • Inhabitants:

    • Describe the physical and cultural characteristics of each species or race.

    • What are their unique abilities or limitations?

  • Social Structure:

    • What are the roles and responsibilities within families and communities?

    • How do gender roles and expectations vary across cultures?

  • Customs and Traditions:

    • What are the cultural norms regarding birth, marriage, and death?

    • Are there any forbidden or taboo practices?

  • Languages:

    • How do different languages affect communication and relationships?

    • Are there any lost or ancient languages with special significance?

3. Develop the History

  • Origin Story:

    • What myths or legends explain the creation of the world?

    • How do these stories influence current beliefs and practices?

  • Key Historical Events:

    • Create a timeline of significant events that shaped the world.

    • How do these events impact current political and social dynamics?

  • Influential Figures:

    • What are the legacies of past heroes or villains?

    • How do they inspire or haunt current generations?

4. Establish the Politics

  • Government Type:

    • How does the government maintain power and control?

    • Are there any secret or shadow governments influencing politics?

  • Laws and Regulations:

    • What are the consequences of breaking laws?

    • How do laws reflect cultural values and ethics?

  • Conflicts and Tensions:

    • What are the sources of conflict between different groups or nations?

    • How are conflicts resolved, and what are the stakes?

5. Explore the Economy

  • Currency:

    • How is currency distributed and controlled?

    • Are there alternative forms of trade or barter systems?

  • Major Industries:

    • What resources are abundant or scarce?

    • How do industries affect social and environmental sustainability?

  • Trade Relations:

    • What are the major trade routes and their challenges?

    • How do trade alliances influence political power?

6. Delve into the Magic and Technology

  • Magic System:

    • What are the sources of magic, and who can access it?

    • Are there any magical creatures or artifacts with special powers?

  • Technological Advancements:

    • How do technology and magic coexist or conflict?

    • What are the ethical implications of technological advancements?

  • Power Sources:

    • How are energy and resources harnessed and distributed?

    • Are there any environmental impacts of using these power sources?

7. Visualize the Setting

  • Architecture:

    • How do architectural styles reflect cultural values and history?

    • Are there any iconic structures or monuments?

  • Fashion:

    • What materials and colors are commonly used in clothing?

    • How does fashion vary for different occasions or classes?

  • Art and Music:

    • What are the popular art forms and their cultural significance?

    • How do music and performance play a role in society?

8. Integrate into the Story

  • Character Interaction:

    • How do characters navigate and influence their world?

    • What personal connections do they have to cultural and historical elements?

  • Plot Relevance:

    • How do geographical, cultural, or political elements drive the plot?

    • Are there any environmental or societal challenges impacting the storyline?

  • World Evolution:

    • How does the world change throughout the story?

    • What are the long-term consequences of the characters’ actions?

Additional Tips

  • Be Consistent:

    • Develop a set of rules for your world and ensure they are consistently applied.

  • Draw Maps:

    • Use maps to visualize geography and plan story events.

  • Keep Notes:

    • Maintain a detailed document or binder to track world-building elements.


The Fundamentals of World-Building


The Quest of Today's Mission: Aug. 8th 2024